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Sunday, November 28, 2004


ck, why u mus always get so worked up over little things. neither wy nor anybody mentioned that ur family did anything wrong, and BOOM..there u go. we just telling u that it's another class chalet where we are gonna enjoy ourselves, coz it's a much larger place with more facilities that's all.. hu really bothers where the place is. if u insist that it's aloha loyang then so be it bah.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

ChanChai's Chalet

Tis is the full info of the chalet. It is located in downtown east. 2 storey high, 4 rooms with about 2 king size beds, 4 double decker beds, 3 bathrooms(one with a bathtub), build in swimming pool, kitchen, TV, air-con, Sofa, a big living room and 2 BBQ pit. It is totally FREE!*

*(except 4 the cost of the BBQ)

extracted from chanchai's email

ppl hu are going pls msg me or cc. will be calling jtay again, but call abit later bah. coz she definitely not going to stay (as usual?), so inform her can ler.

my backside still hurts =(

Prom Night

chalet's over. maybe a 2nd one in dec, but first..we've got prom nite. so everyone's going by themselves? or meeting up?

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Another Chalet?!?

chan chai has offered to pay for another chalet from 20-23 dec (means foc for all for the chalet cost). onli cost which has to be shared is the bbq things and food... and of coz all the own entertainment/leisure. chalet is open to all, and is located at downtown east. a big bungalow i guess, double storey, 3 or 4 rooms (i forgot), got kitchen so can cook there..and build in swimming pool?? yup...anyone wana go? another chalet before sch reopens for those going to jc loh.. wana go just post under "comments" k? i duno bout other details, anything than tell me i ask cc loh.

oh i miss u my bed..lemme hug u...

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Chalet (Part 4 ... think i'm getting sick of this.)

................. yes pls bring ur own things..yes yes.

eh 4/5, i got something to confess. i tml onli carrying my bag..nth else! =\ k lar, i know i v.bad, tml i help those hu carry alot of things de k? anyway..i sho angrie now. just heard from ck that he was asked to buy charcoal. why ask him? he bringing ps leh..then he almost volunteered to bring radio somemore. lucky jes settled the radio one.

the timing thing also make me dulan. early know i just tell u all wat time meet. dun tell u all wat time bus leave. say this time then complain not enuff time..zz. next time we take taxi sua? =D

*cool down* oh well..class chalet, class outing..give in, compromise..I SHALL NOT MAKE NOISE! =P peace!

Chalet (Part 3 liao -_-)

yep guys, most of u received my sms. i changed the timing for those meeting at je to 12.30 pm. ck, dun get so heated up..mrt is travels faster than car ^^ moreover car has to stop for traffic lights, and u aren't the onli one driving on the road. while mrt is much faster, and onli have to stop at different stations (i've travelled to bedok in 40mins today.) ok maybe 30 mins won't reach, that's why i changed to time to meet at 12.30. and even if we dun reach there by 1.15, we'll be there latest 1.30, still 15 mins to bus leaving for east coast. so...WAT'S THE RUSH? -_- if bus leave then blame me lar k? anyway, guys dun be late can liao loh....

hmm..oh ya, remember to bring plastic bags to put ur dirty/wet clothings. everytime go chalet sure got ppl forget bring. i'll be bringing a string to hang wet towels (as requested by jm). AND DUN WET THE WASHROOM FLOOR PLS. later sure become dirty.

k any change of plans call/sms me k?


Chalet (Part 2)

hmm..the bbq for the 2nd nite will go on. food is prepared by rq's family..(yea, thank her again.) so i guess that saved the trouble of us going shopping for the bbq food. but still everyone has to fork out more money. i guess it's $5 each ler bah, we still got cups and everything to buy. then buying drinks and titbits as well. so dun forget to bring extra 5 bucks and pass to me on monday hor.

eh also, 24th we have to be in sch to choose JCs for our first 3 mths. yar, so bring sch half u ok?

ya, erm..if u all gonna be late or won't be meeting up at bedok, sms or call someone to inform us ok? so that we won't be waiting for someone who won't turn up.

ok..cya guys.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Chalet chalet CHALET!

ok dudes, here's the first bit of everything.

the website says the check in time is at 2:30, but we can always check in earlier if the chalet is available to us already. even so, there's no point in meeting at 9 lar. so on monday i suggest those hu wana meet up or duno how to go de, meet 1:15 at bedok mrt control station. (WARNING: don't be late pls, the shuttle bus to the chalet comes at a 1 hr interval, and it will arrive at 1:45. so if u're late...HAHAHA! GO BY URSELF! =\) anyway..if u're going alone..or will be late, sms me bah (dun have my no. get it from me or someone -_-) sho i can at least tell u how to go...if u know then good for u loh =P

regarding the ps 2 and vcd thing..erm i'm now not very sure if we're able to play at the chalet. the website rules and regulations stated that VCDs/VCRs and TV games are not allowed to be connected to the TVs. but, can try to most we illegal gaming loh =
hmm..mahjong set hu's gonna bring? (got portable table mah?) poker..everyone bring 1 set enuff liao lar =\ okie..any other source of entertainment also can bring. soccer ball..roller blades.. blah blah.

hmm..think there's gonna be a bbq on the 2nd nite. so i guess we gotta buy the food on the 23rd morning, and everyone hafta pay another 5 bucks more i guess, otherwise not enuff money. dun need to bring bbq pit, mesh, or charcoal, all available at BBQ Kiosk (Blk N). of coz mus pay money lar =P mmmm...first nite i think we gonna go out and eat bah. the food centre? quite far for a walk..but nvm lar hor =\

oh yea, the place abit small for 20 ppl to slp in. bedroom onli got 2 mattresses and 2 beds, so at most can slp 8-10 ppl nia. most probably is gals occupy liao -_- anyone else (guy or gal watever) wana bring slping bags also can bring k? coz others have to slp at the first floor. if not....DUN SLP! =P

hmm..bring more money (50 bucks?) yar..there got entertainment also bah. overnite booking of bikes, bowling, arcarde maybe...then sure going to buy food to eat mah. so remember to bring money k?

hmm...that's bout all. anything i missed out? anything to clarify?

Friday, November 19, 2004


wah..reach home sho tired liao x.X

hmm.. bout the chalet i confirm for u all wat time to meet, where to meet, how to go, wat to bring..blah blah blah k? =P yar everyone help to bring some things, games, entertainment..watever.

Monday, November 15, 2004

After Exams.........

er, this one is doreen ask one. she wana know if any of u going out on friday after the chemistry paper. it's a little late (around 5+ finish) maybe can go dinner or something? yup.

wahahaha..doreen owe me a personal dedication coz i'm doing this for her!

Thursday, November 11, 2004

O-Level History

guys..decided on wat topics to study on ler mah? or still deciding? why don't i help u all analyse bah..since ck asked me just now. i doing good deed k..especially to those hu still gotta study for geog.

ok if u analyse properly, or if u still have the paper given by mrs png, the 10 chaps divided into 3 units.

Unit 1
Chap. 1 - Russia
Chap. 2 - China (KMT Vs. CCP) **
Chap. 3 - Impact Of WWI
Chap. 4 - Rise of Nazism **

for this unit, i suggest u focus on chapter 2 and 4, as neither has been tested on either SEQ or SBQ. sho high possibility of coming out. chap3 can be omitted as it has been tested before. chap1 can also be omitted if u wish, most prob won't come out, tested on SEQ 2 yrs ago, and SBQ last yr.

Unit 2
Chap. 5 - War in Europe
Chap. 6 - War in the Pacific
Chap. 7 - Peace Settlements/Founding Of UN **

well, easier job here. chap 6 is definitely omitted, tested last yr. chap 5 was tested 2 yrs ago, sho left chap. 7 not tested on SEQ or SBQ. another high possibility of coming out.

Unit 3
Chap. 8 - Cold War
Chap. 9 - China (Civil War - Death of Mao) **
Chap. 10 - Fall Of Communism in E.Europe

hmm..this is the easiest to analyze. chap 9 will be coming out if i'm not wrong. it has nv been tested on SEQ at all, except for SBQ 2 yrs ago. both chap 8 and 10 were tested in SEQ before, chap 10 can again be omitted =)


hmm..if u wondering why i'm sho sure bout these topics will come out for SEQ, here's why. every yr there will be 1 question coming out from every unit, meaning 3 different topics from 3 different units. sho focusing on 4, or maybe even 3 is enuff. China has NEVER been tested before on SEQ, and only once in SBQ. therefore chap 2 and 9 has the highest probability of coming out. but don't forget bout chap 4 and 7 as well =)


ok, SBQ is even easier to analyze (if u believe that is...). u notice units 1 and 3 have been tested on SBQ before already. sho i predict that this yr's SBQ will come out from unit 2, War in Europe (that's the only topic which can be tested on SBQ in unit 2 as told by png). other chaps to study for SBQ will be chap 2 and chap 10, least likely chap 9 (if u wana play safe..). yup..


alright, that's all..if u believe than follow my analysis loh. this will help lighten some load, esp those taking geog. and erm, dun be so sure doesn't hurt to study a little more on those which MIGHT come out even though tested 2 yrs ago. u nv know wat's cambridge thinking...


Wednesday, November 03, 2004

jiayou! even if oil prices are high!
- extracted from one of weiyuan's nightly sms -

hmm..nvm, my oil free one. need oil tell me, i wipe some off my face for u.

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