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Sunday, November 21, 2004

Chalet (Part 4 ... think i'm getting sick of this.)

................. yes pls bring ur own things..yes yes.

eh 4/5, i got something to confess. i tml onli carrying my bag..nth else! =\ k lar, i know i v.bad, tml i help those hu carry alot of things de k? anyway..i sho angrie now. just heard from ck that he was asked to buy charcoal. why ask him? he bringing ps leh..then he almost volunteered to bring radio somemore. lucky jes settled the radio one.

the timing thing also make me dulan. early know i just tell u all wat time meet. dun tell u all wat time bus leave. say this time then complain not enuff time..zz. next time we take taxi sua? =D

*cool down* oh well..class chalet, class outing..give in, compromise..I SHALL NOT MAKE NOISE! =P peace!


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