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Thursday, November 11, 2004

O-Level History

guys..decided on wat topics to study on ler mah? or still deciding? why don't i help u all analyse bah..since ck asked me just now. i doing good deed k..especially to those hu still gotta study for geog.

ok if u analyse properly, or if u still have the paper given by mrs png, the 10 chaps divided into 3 units.

Unit 1
Chap. 1 - Russia
Chap. 2 - China (KMT Vs. CCP) **
Chap. 3 - Impact Of WWI
Chap. 4 - Rise of Nazism **

for this unit, i suggest u focus on chapter 2 and 4, as neither has been tested on either SEQ or SBQ. sho high possibility of coming out. chap3 can be omitted as it has been tested before. chap1 can also be omitted if u wish, most prob won't come out, tested on SEQ 2 yrs ago, and SBQ last yr.

Unit 2
Chap. 5 - War in Europe
Chap. 6 - War in the Pacific
Chap. 7 - Peace Settlements/Founding Of UN **

well, easier job here. chap 6 is definitely omitted, tested last yr. chap 5 was tested 2 yrs ago, sho left chap. 7 not tested on SEQ or SBQ. another high possibility of coming out.

Unit 3
Chap. 8 - Cold War
Chap. 9 - China (Civil War - Death of Mao) **
Chap. 10 - Fall Of Communism in E.Europe

hmm..this is the easiest to analyze. chap 9 will be coming out if i'm not wrong. it has nv been tested on SEQ at all, except for SBQ 2 yrs ago. both chap 8 and 10 were tested in SEQ before, chap 10 can again be omitted =)


hmm..if u wondering why i'm sho sure bout these topics will come out for SEQ, here's why. every yr there will be 1 question coming out from every unit, meaning 3 different topics from 3 different units. sho focusing on 4, or maybe even 3 is enuff. China has NEVER been tested before on SEQ, and only once in SBQ. therefore chap 2 and 9 has the highest probability of coming out. but don't forget bout chap 4 and 7 as well =)


ok, SBQ is even easier to analyze (if u believe that is...). u notice units 1 and 3 have been tested on SBQ before already. sho i predict that this yr's SBQ will come out from unit 2, War in Europe (that's the only topic which can be tested on SBQ in unit 2 as told by png). other chaps to study for SBQ will be chap 2 and chap 10, least likely chap 9 (if u wana play safe..). yup..


alright, that's all..if u believe than follow my analysis loh. this will help lighten some load, esp those taking geog. and erm, dun be so sure doesn't hurt to study a little more on those which MIGHT come out even though tested 2 yrs ago. u nv know wat's cambridge thinking...



Blogger hongx said...

haha..that is so nice of you.

10:15 PM  
Blogger K3n.nY said...

wah...jeremy sooooo sweeeet...=S kk, dun get wrong idea. hmm, for such a looonnnggg post, he shd haf spent quite SOME time on it, sooo, THANK YOU lah... -___-
hey hey, btw, i provided some info's too in this post k? so ppl, when u thank jer, thank me tooo!!! wahahahahaa, cuz i helped correct his MISTAKES! kk, ppl do make FAULTs at times, so we shdnt HIGHLIGHT ppl's FAULT, so so so, thank you for ur hard work DESPITE some FAULTS cuz FAULTS can be corrected n dere wldnt be any FAULTS! =P

10:28 PM  

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