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Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Another Chalet?!?

chan chai has offered to pay for another chalet from 20-23 dec (means foc for all for the chalet cost). onli cost which has to be shared is the bbq things and food... and of coz all the own entertainment/leisure. chalet is open to all, and is located at downtown east. a big bungalow i guess, double storey, 3 or 4 rooms (i forgot), got kitchen so can cook there..and build in swimming pool?? yup...anyone wana go? another chalet before sch reopens for those going to jc loh.. wana go just post under "comments" k? i duno bout other details, anything than tell me i ask cc loh.

oh i miss u my bed..lemme hug u...


Blogger j said...

er paiseh..i didn't know someone posted bout the other chalet. anyway just post here also bah.

9:52 PM  
Blogger j said...

er paiseh..i didn't know someone posted bout the other chalet. anyway just post here also bah.

9:52 PM  
Blogger hongx said...

yeah! another chalet! another gathering! eh, then we shun bian celebrate christmas during the chalet la..haha..

10:00 PM  
Blogger j said...

k loh i dun mind. got present for me :D

10:03 PM  

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