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Sunday, November 21, 2004

Chalet (Part 2)

hmm..the bbq for the 2nd nite will go on. food is prepared by rq's family..(yea, thank her again.) so i guess that saved the trouble of us going shopping for the bbq food. but still everyone has to fork out more money. i guess it's $5 each ler bah, we still got cups and everything to buy. then buying drinks and titbits as well. so dun forget to bring extra 5 bucks and pass to me on monday hor.

eh also, 24th we have to be in sch to choose JCs for our first 3 mths. yar, so bring sch half u ok?

ya, erm..if u all gonna be late or won't be meeting up at bedok, sms or call someone to inform us ok? so that we won't be waiting for someone who won't turn up.

ok..cya guys.


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