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Sunday, October 31, 2004

Class Chalet

harlow guys..guess today everyone really mugging bah. for some of us, Os will begin in 2 days time, some..TML! lol..kae all the best.

anyway, i guess miss tay helping us to book the chalet? coz all of us below 18 (except for our mr. top student) i dun think anyone has a credit card to pay for the chalet? sho getting miss tay's help, then we return her the money loh. sho everyone get $20 ready and pay by 12 Nov k? should be enuff time to get the money 2 weeks =P haha, hopefully got bout than 30 ppl go loh, getting 2 nites also i east coast. pls pls pls pls pay k? if not we really cannot have chalet...if more ppl go means more leftover money for bbq loh. yup yup..REMEMBER PAY AR! pass money to rq =P, back to mugging.

Friday, October 22, 2004

Class Bloggie..

wow wow..i see ppl getting fired up it dudes.

now u see, this blog was established not for us to start on our own personal problems, especially when it doesn't concern any of us. well sho sometimes, some ppl have to learn to chill a little in here alright?

anyway..yes we may have ppl praising themselves sho much in here. but well, it makes the blog more lively doesn't it? i bet u wouldn't wish to see everyone going sho quiet here, with only u blogging bout urself? no offence..but i think that's why we have our class blog here. oh yar..and ppl..erm, dun overdo things k? lol..u nv know when someone much better than u might go right up to u and flame u for being sho bhb =P

yea, that's all..and erm, happy bday rudy. ur bday doesn't seem to always come at the right time -_- in the middle of our exam to celebrate? lol...oh well, i'll celebrate for u when the exams are over k? :D

Tuesday, October 19, 2004


hmm, posting this on behalf of rq...or kae lar, on behalf of everyone! =/
yea yea..troublesome stuff, pls decide kae, at least comment (click comments..dun tag on the board, if not cannot view all comments =\) dun sit on the fence pls! ppl always say i dun care, anything, up to u all...but later end up complaining the chalet exp, the place small, no place to slp, no entertainment! so..just decide kae? at least make everyone's job easier, can select the best place. goes:

- sentosa: either hut or chalet, but both are damn small..just the size of a bedroom i guess (from the picture?) rq suggested a hut, since it's cheap..yes extremely cheap as compared to the other chalets..but there will be trouble if everyone wans to slp at the same time =P that's if anyone wans to slp...well are u guys owls?

- east coast: okay, this place is bout 270 bucks for 3d2n, 330 if u all wan to upgrade to deluxe (double storey?) i should say has more things to do then at sentosa, u wan beach, bike rentals available, swimming pool also got, marine cove bout 1-2km away, can bowl, play, eat..blah blah blah..yea abit ex if u compare it to sentosa..each person have to pay bout 20bucks or more for chalet and bbq food cost (20 ppl i assume?) entertainment wise..have to bring ur own money loh..

- changi: er..this one i won't recommend lar, unless someone who's a civil servant (*hint*) willing to help us book, then the price really quite cheap loh. definitely bigger than both east coast and place to bowl, play pool, workout at gym, places of interest (OCH), yar but quite secluded lar...wan to go coffee shop eat mus take bus or walk for bout 20 mins....if i nv remember wrongly, there were 3-4 rooms at the chalet i went. P.S. js's friends often hang around nearby in the middle of the nite =P

blah~ that's all..u all got better chalets elsewhere then recommend loh, most probably organise during our december break.. comments kae? comments...sho we can book asap! miss tay coming?


wah! did i see miss tay post?!? =\

Sunday, October 17, 2004

tra la la

zz..rudy! dun change the template leh! i like the previous one =
eh miss tay knows bout this blog ar? anyway she know also nvm lar. i guess she won't visit this till someone reminds her again lol.

oh yea..just wana say i enjoyed myself at the bbq on fri nite..except for when cc gave me that damn sweet -_- wj came up wif a stupid idea before we went home (those hu stayed till 11+ should know..) luckily i wasn't the loser =\ hmm..

guess our class should have organised more outings in the past..come to think of it, we hardly ever go out together..except for playing basketball..table-tennis..etc. oh well, it's ok..we can always organise more outings after our O Levels..

anyway i wana thank ppl...THX great partner in class. think he's one of my best friend already, we nv seem to quarrel. even if we would nv last for more than a day! lol.. seems like we enjoy doing things together...luffing at those 2 jokers sitting in front of us, playing table-tennis, and slping together =P (er..all we did was just lay our heads on the dirty business!) STILL GOT RUDY! cannot forget him, classmates for 4 yrs..then we shared our times of enjoyment in lots of games together..he's always there to help if i ask for any. this kind of friend how to find sho easily? =P

er..maybe still got alot more ppl to thank lar. but can't list everyone out here, if not this blog will drown..kae that's all. may we meet in sch...

Thursday, October 14, 2004


Dear 4/5,

i refer to the post "take foto pls!!" dated 13 October 2004.

hahaha..krazy, blog also need to use letter format? hmm..why take foto, i tot we got our class foto taken already =P seriously, i think everyone has special feelings especially when we gonna graduate lar. ME TOO!!! this feeling shoooo special...i feel like....LEAVING SCHOOL ASAP! ... er i wan chalet, pls organise one...and pls, at somewhere large, not the one at east coast... hehe

er..i feel that hor, our time capsule put in sch abit risky leh...coz i got a feeling the sch will be torn down before we can go back to retrieve it..hahahahaha =\ jk nia lar...just that later some stupid guy eat orange then nv dispose the seed properly, throw into the spot where we bury our capsule, then next time if we wan to retrieve the capsule mus chop down the orange tree ar? =X lol.......

yay..tml graduation. but...are we all gonna lose contact after graduation? com'on leh..think of activities or gatherings after our O Levels..i dun wan to forget a bunch of friends and have to start making new ones all over again -_-

kae..on the last note..i shall wish everyone all the best in O Levels..may our batch be the one bringing CSS back to the top few in the sch ranking. - BANG -


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