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Thursday, October 14, 2004


Dear 4/5,

i refer to the post "take foto pls!!" dated 13 October 2004.

hahaha..krazy, blog also need to use letter format? hmm..why take foto, i tot we got our class foto taken already =P seriously, i think everyone has special feelings especially when we gonna graduate lar. ME TOO!!! this feeling shoooo special...i feel like....LEAVING SCHOOL ASAP! ... er i wan chalet, pls organise one...and pls, at somewhere large, not the one at east coast... hehe

er..i feel that hor, our time capsule put in sch abit risky leh...coz i got a feeling the sch will be torn down before we can go back to retrieve it..hahahahaha =\ jk nia lar...just that later some stupid guy eat orange then nv dispose the seed properly, throw into the spot where we bury our capsule, then next time if we wan to retrieve the capsule mus chop down the orange tree ar? =X lol.......

yay..tml graduation. but...are we all gonna lose contact after graduation? com'on leh..think of activities or gatherings after our O Levels..i dun wan to forget a bunch of friends and have to start making new ones all over again -_-

kae..on the last note..i shall wish everyone all the best in O Levels..may our batch be the one bringing CSS back to the top few in the sch ranking. - BANG -



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