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Sunday, October 17, 2004

tra la la

zz..rudy! dun change the template leh! i like the previous one =
eh miss tay knows bout this blog ar? anyway she know also nvm lar. i guess she won't visit this till someone reminds her again lol.

oh yea..just wana say i enjoyed myself at the bbq on fri nite..except for when cc gave me that damn sweet -_- wj came up wif a stupid idea before we went home (those hu stayed till 11+ should know..) luckily i wasn't the loser =\ hmm..

guess our class should have organised more outings in the past..come to think of it, we hardly ever go out together..except for playing basketball..table-tennis..etc. oh well, it's ok..we can always organise more outings after our O Levels..

anyway i wana thank ppl...THX great partner in class. think he's one of my best friend already, we nv seem to quarrel. even if we would nv last for more than a day! lol.. seems like we enjoy doing things together...luffing at those 2 jokers sitting in front of us, playing table-tennis, and slping together =P (er..all we did was just lay our heads on the dirty business!) STILL GOT RUDY! cannot forget him, classmates for 4 yrs..then we shared our times of enjoyment in lots of games together..he's always there to help if i ask for any. this kind of friend how to find sho easily? =P

er..maybe still got alot more ppl to thank lar. but can't list everyone out here, if not this blog will drown..kae that's all. may we meet in sch...


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