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Friday, October 22, 2004

Class Bloggie..

wow wow..i see ppl getting fired up it dudes.

now u see, this blog was established not for us to start on our own personal problems, especially when it doesn't concern any of us. well sho sometimes, some ppl have to learn to chill a little in here alright?

anyway..yes we may have ppl praising themselves sho much in here. but well, it makes the blog more lively doesn't it? i bet u wouldn't wish to see everyone going sho quiet here, with only u blogging bout urself? no offence..but i think that's why we have our class blog here. oh yar..and ppl..erm, dun overdo things k? lol..u nv know when someone much better than u might go right up to u and flame u for being sho bhb =P

yea, that's all..and erm, happy bday rudy. ur bday doesn't seem to always come at the right time -_- in the middle of our exam to celebrate? lol...oh well, i'll celebrate for u when the exams are over k? :D


Blogger j said...

zZz...i take that as a compliment...

8:08 PM  

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