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Saturday, January 29, 2005

cny gathering

how how. still wana have a gathering or not. u all wan go visit each other hse in the morning/afternoon then late afternoon come my house have steamboat? if wan then tell me earlier then i tell parents to help me prepare food. and sunbian they will know when not to be home =P


Blogger Rudy Herianto said...

u calling 2/5 ppl also mah? 2nd day in new yr or the sat after new yr. since ms tay also free

8:30 PM  
Blogger hongx said...

i think if is fri, then afternoon or late afternoon then can go bai nian...i think i will haf lessons until 12.30pm that for the steamboat, i anithing~

9:40 PM  
Blogger J said...

lets go to jeremy's house to makan steamboat!!! =)
*yay* i already ask my parents. so i tink i can make it lahx. unless they change their mind again!!! *cross my fingers* hahax. miss tay onli free on saurdae... so let's make it sat. for the steamboat. =D

11:49 AM  

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