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Friday, December 17, 2004


ok guys, i'm seriously at a lost on how to order food for the bbq. i think i'll just order for 40 pax, those staying just pay ok? order extra keep for next day kae? maybe becoz i inexperience, nv do much in logistics stuff..that's why sho problematic. oh well, at least i'm doing something. unlike some ppl not even helping keep giving stupid comments, adding oil to fire. *boom*

btw, er monday chanchai say meet at je mrt ctrl station 3pm. this time i really duno how to go, mrt and then some bus maybe?

the list of ppl going to chalet not cfm de. from wat i know now, weiwen not going ler. rq onli first nite staying (maybe 3rd day come back). still got alot ppl not cfm. so help to ask around and cfm wif them that the chalet is next mon-thurs ok?

rq begging u all to celebrate christmas on first nite. exchange of gifts i guess, by draw lots? u all wan? if wan then everyone buy 1 gift bout less than 10 bucks. dun too expensive, but meaningful. suitable for almost everyone (male/female)...then we on that day draw lots bah.

wat else? still need to plan wat? entertainment? ps2? ck cfm not bringing i can be sure. he's staying for first nite onli. there i not sure got xbox or not. bb court got, so i try get someone bring bball. anything else just add in bah.


Blogger hongx said...

I don't mind celebrating christmas on first nite. so sure will celebrate hor? then i go and buy the present liao. Don't wait until i buy liao then say don't have..

10:52 PM  
Blogger Choon Kiat said...

Aiyah if cancel...come my hse on fri lolx. Tink i gonna celebrate haha XP

11:47 PM  
Blogger Choon Kiat said...

Oh yar, btw its nt at downtown east those bungalow near downtown east. So yeah, no xbox. Unless any1 of us has it...which to my current knowledge...no1 XD

1:17 PM  

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