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Friday, February 11, 2005


er. dun switch to 3pm. pls..i will sian diao one. somemore where got ppl 3+ eat steamboat.. -.-" u all wan can come 3+ play cards or mahjong or watever. then we start dinner at bout 5+ or 6+.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

12 feb, sat, gathering...

er. i informed my mummy bout the steamboat ler. think most prob is can, coz she don't seem to have any disagreements. and most prob she also not at home. anyway, just to remind u guys, my family not giving red packets also leh.. coz my grandpa passed away in oct last yr, so abit supertitious bah.. instead, i think my mum will just sponsor the money for the steamboat dinner loh. then i think also won't go wif u all in the morning/afternoon to ppl's house loh. abit paiseh, nv give red packet still go ppl house take =P ya..then mus help maid buy the steamboat stuffs also. bz ar.

oh ya. anyone can bring a steamboat set wif tepanyaki? seriously, if got pls bring. 1 more is enuff, 2 if u like. coz if got 1 more can open another table. post in comments if u got kae?

TO JIAMING: sorry dude. dun think got souvenior for u from m'sia. i'm there for a competition, not tour my friend. no shopping time for me either =( at most i try to buy team singapore collar pin for u lar :D 2 bucks each leh..exp! =P

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